TV, Press Articles & Conferences

AML & Compliance Conference at the Monte-Carlo One – December 2022
(A look back at the Conference in French)

Richard Marcon, guest of the TV program “Maria in Paris” – October 2022
(Interview in English)

In October 2022 Richard Marcon & Associés organised a large Ukrainian and Polish Art Exhibition at the Riviera Palace to support the victims and the refugees.
This is the TV Report broadcasted by the Polish Television’s Evening News.
The full TV Report should arrive soon! 

TVP Polonia about Pawel Matysiak, interview at Marcon & Associés in Monaco
(Extract – No sound )

Click here to watch the full interview in Polish on TVP Polonia website

Monaco Business News N°76: article by Richard Marcon on the Monaco AML legislation reform project
Lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent, le financement du terrorisme et la corruption (AML).

Face aux inquiétudes des assujettis confrontés à la complexité et à l’aggravation de leur risque pénal, les explications juridiques de Richard Marcon apportent un éclairage sur les deux nouveaux projets de lois soumis à l’adoption devant le Conseil National.

Financing for start-ups

The start-up financing journey
exists in a complex ecosystem,
one which involves numerous and
sometimes very different players,
which often lack any connection.

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Private Equity: Investing in unlisted companies – often a winning choice

Unlisted small and mediumsized
enterprises (SMEs) are
drivers of innovation, value and
growth. They often need to
increase their equity to finance
their projects, the development
of their assets (tangible and
intangible, particularly intellectual
property) and, more generally, to
secure the long-term sustainable
development of their activities.
But why invest in an unlisted
company? What are the main
advantages of private equity?

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Renewable energy: a challenge for Monaco

Today, the Principality of
Monaco is more committed
than ever before to a
wide-ranging sustainable
development strategy.
And it is clear that making it
easier to fi nance and develop
renewable energy generation
projects is one of the keys to
achieving its aims.
Rising to this challenge will
signifi cantly reduce the
pollution of our planet.

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